
来源 :中国石油和化工标准与质量 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jingheli
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随着油气勘探开发逐渐与国际接轨,众多的施工队伍开发走出国门。我们在墨西哥EPC区块施工的井均为1000米左右的水平井,在水平井定向钻进中,往往使用滑动钻进和转盘(或顶驱)复合钻进两种方式相结合来满足设计轨迹要求,由于PDC钻头在定向钻进中存在工具面不稳定,方位容易漂移等问题,使得普通PDC钻头的定向轨迹控制变得困难,通过现场实际大量水平井轨迹控制和PDC钻头使用的对比,找出一种有效、适用的适用于水平井钻井的PDC钻头,并且能与国际知名钻头公司(BAKER-HUGES,SMITH等公司)的同台竞争中不落于下风。本文主要介绍一种6寸定向专用PDC钻头。 As oil and gas exploration and development gradually with the international standards, many construction team to go abroad. We are in the EPC block construction in Mexico are horizontal wells of about 1,000 meters of horizontal wells, directional drilling in horizontal wells, often using sliding drilling and turntable (or top drive) composite drilling combination of two ways to meet the design trajectory It is required that due to the instability of the tool face and easy drifting of the PDC bit in the directional drilling, it becomes difficult to control the directional control of the PDC bit. By comparing the actually used horizontal well trajectory control with the PDC bit in the field, It is an effective and applicable PDC bit suitable for horizontal well drilling and can not be put under the competition with the internationally renowned drilling company (BAKER-HUGES, SMITH and other companies). This article mainly introduces a 6-inch dedicated PDC bit.
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