泌尿科患者在尿道插管、膀胱镜检查时,往往因引起剧痛,不能坚持完成检查或治疗。我们为配合临床需要,研制成本制剂。它既能止痛、又有润滑的效用。一、配制方法处方是:盐酸地卡因1g、甲基纤维素4~5g、醋酸洗必太50mg、蒸馏水加至100ml。取甲基纤维素,撒布于50ml已过滤的水面上,置冰箱中过夜使胶溶。另取地卡因、洗必太溶于温热水中,过滤后与甲基纤维素胶溶液合并,加水至足量、搅匀,100℃灭菌30分钟,即得。二、制剂质量 1.粘度:使用东德RV-Ⅱ型转筒粘度计测定。当20℃,切变速率(D)为9时,本品含3%、4%、5%甲基纤维素的粘度(η)分别为:1007~1342、3400~4200、9060~11744CPS。经临床使用认为4%者粘度较为适宜。 2.pH值:pH 5为左右。
Urology patients in the urethral catheterization, cystoscopy, often caused by pain, can not insist on completing the examination or treatment. We cooperate with the clinical needs, development of cost formulations. It is both pain-relieving and lubricating. First, the preparation method Prescriptions are: 1g dexamethasone hydrochloride, methyl cellulose 4 ~ 5g, acetic acid will be washed too 50mg, distilled water added to 100ml. Take methyl cellulose, sprinkled on 50ml of filtered water, set the refrigerator to peptize overnight. Another to take cocaine, wash will be too soluble in warm water, after filtration and methyl cellulose glue solution, add water to adequate amount, stir, 100 ℃ sterilization for 30 minutes, that is, too. Second, the quality of the preparation 1. Viscosity: Determination of East Germany RV-Ⅱ type drum viscometer. The viscosity (η) of 3%, 4% and 5% methyl cellulose at 20 ℃ and shear rate (D) of 9 are 1007 ~ 1342, 3400 ~ 4200 and 9060 ~ 11744CPS, respectively. The clinical use of 4% of the more appropriate viscosity. 2. pH value: about pH 5.