One of the reasons for the rise of Rome as a superpower is one of the reasons why the good hybrid constitution of the Roman Republic is one. First of all, it is a mechanism that mixes the constitution and shapes the checks and balances of power among the chief rulers, the senate and the citizen assembly. Second, it is a mixed constitution of functions. On the basis of the class struggle between aristocrats and civilians and their compromise achievements, it shapes the decentralization of classes so that the aristocrats become the agents of positive power and the bailiffs officers of the civilian-class elections are mainly the agents of negative power , The balance between the two powers. Finally, the state-mixed constitution consists of different legal rules that regulate peacetime and emergency situations. The state of emergency includes two successive types, the dictatorship and the final resolution of the senate. The former mainly deals with foreign aggression and the latter mainly deals with civil strife. These constitutional systems of the Roman Republic have a profound impact on future generations.