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江泽民同志在党的十四大工作报告中强调指出:“在改革开放的整个过程中都要反腐败,把端正党风和加强廉政建设作为一件大事,下决心抓出成效,取信于民。”这就再一次把搞好党风和廉政建设,坚决反对腐败,鲜明地提到全党面前。在党的十四大精神指引下,反腐败斗争取得了一定成绩,但腐败现象仍然是严重的。共原因是多方面的,其中之一就是对不正之风及腐败打击不力,刹的不狠。之所以如此,归根到底还是对不正之风及腐败所具有的危险性认识不足,没有真正认识到倡廉反腐事关党和国家前途命运问题。因此,有必要谈一谈这个问题。 In his report on the work of the 14th CPC National Congress, Comrade Jiang Zemin emphasized: “In the entire process of reform and opening up, we must fight corruption, regard correct party style and strengthen clean government building as a major event and are determined to take effective measures and win the trust of the people.” "Once again, it puts the improvement of the style of the party and the building of an honest and clean government firmly against corruption and makes it clear before the whole party. Guided by the spirit of the 14th CPC National Congress, certain achievements have been made in the anti-corruption struggle, but corruption remains a serious problem. There are many reasons for this. One of the reasons is that it is not good at cracking down on unhealthy tendencies and corruption and does not make a hard-hitting brake. In the final analysis, they still do not have enough understanding of the dangers posed by unhealthy tendencies and corruption, failing to truly understand the issue of the fate and prophecy of the party and the country in the fight against corruption. Therefore, it is necessary to talk about this issue.
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近读朱立元先生的《美学与实践》一书,引 发了我对争议多年的实践论美学的进一 步思考。坦白地说,针对陈炎和杨春时二位先生对实践论美学的发难、及其以“突破说”和“超越说
在美感心理活动中 ,不论是美的欣赏还是美的创造 ,同样都离不开想象活动。只有在想象的作用下 ,通过作家艺术家丰富的想象活动 ,才能把生活现象加以典型化 ,让构思中的形象和
审美活动是后实践美学的核心范畴。后实践美学把审美活动抬高到本体论的地位 ,一切美的其他范畴都由审美活动推导而来。这是美学研究视角的一大转换。美的个体性、精神性、超