Recurrent polychondritis is a rare disease, the etiology is unknown. It is characterized by cartilage inflammation and subsequent cartilage lysis. The main damage to the ear, nose, pharynx, larynx, eyeballs and body cartilage; if the throat involved, the trachea can often lead to breathing difficulties. So far a total of 12 cases reported in the country, with ocular symptoms in 7 cases were lighter. Our department treated one case of ocular manifestations of the eyes, scleritis, corneal thinning, visual acuity only means the number of fingers. Hong Moumou, male, 26 years old. Hospital number 81884. In 1978, nasal root red, swollen, painful, a few months later, both eyes pain with visual acuity decreased, two years after the ear swelling. In his hospital for treatment failed to adhere to medication caused by repeated illness. September 29, 1983 due to the left eye was bruised by others and emergency admission to the hospital. Check: no abnormal thorax and systemic joints, cardiopulmonary (-). Saddle nose; both ears dark red hypertrophy hypertrophy, left tenderness (+).