
来源 :中国培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:czliao
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针对高职日语教学中“语言类课程改革难、项目化如何具体实施”的困惑,笔者在教学实践中,以商务日语会话课程为突破点,打破原有的借鉴本科院校日语会话课程的授课模式,转变以教师为主体,以语言文字为载体,以过级应试为目的的教学模式,针对高职日语专业学生的实际工作岗位需求,以学生为主体,运用项目化教学方法,将真实的工作项目导入到课堂教学中,通过工作任务驱动的方式,着重职业能力的培养训练,真正实现“学中做,做中学。” In the teaching of higher vocational Japanese teaching, “the difficulty of the reform of language courses, project-specific implementation,” the confusion, the author in teaching practice, the business Japanese conversation course as a breakthrough point, breaking the original reference to Japanese language courses for undergraduate institutions , The teaching mode of teachers is the main body, the language is the carrier, and the advanced exam is taken as the objective. According to the actual job requirements of Japanese majors in higher vocational schools, students are the main body, Real work projects into the classroom teaching, through the task-driven manner, focusing on the cultivation of vocational skills training, to truly achieve “learning to do, do secondary school.”
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