对中国计算机学科在1990~2005年间论文的产出情况、论文被引用情况和 ESI 指标的统计分析表明,中国计算机学科国际论文数量与质量呈现严重的背离现象,具体表现在论文教量呈现高速增长趋势,而论文国际影响力偏低。产生此现象的原因有二:①中国学者的论文主要以国际会议论文为主;②论文的质量与国际影响力明显偏低。由于低质量论文的大量发表,受国际同行关注更少,这样的恶性循环对中国计算机学科的国际地位影响极为不利,为此建议借鉴香港模式,同时建议加强政策引导和国际合作交流、提升产业部门的研发水平和国际显示度。
The dissertation’s output, dissertation citation and ESI index of China’s computer science from 1990 to 2005 show that there is a serious departure from the number and quality of international dissertations in computer science in China, which is manifested in the rapid growth of essay teaching Trend, while the essay’s international influence is low. There are two reasons for this phenomenon: ①theses of Chinese scholars are mainly based on papers from international conferences; ②the quality of papers and international influence are obviously low. Because of the mass publication of low-quality papers, which are of less concern to international counterparts, such a vicious circle has an extremely adverse impact on the international status of Chinese computer science. Therefore, it is suggested that Hong Kong should be modeled upon by reference to policy recommendations and international cooperation and exchanges, and to enhance the industrial sector R & D level and international display degree.