Objective To analyze the role of twins’ skinfold thickness and body composition in different developmental stages of genetic and environmental factors. Methods 376 pairs of twins (245 pairs of identical eggs and 131 pairs of different eggs) of 6-18 years of age were measured for triceps and subforaminal skinfold thickness. The body composition was estimated by Changling and Brozek formulas. Mx software was used to fit Good model, calculate the genetic and environmental variance components of each indicator, analyze the role of age, gender and different developmental stages. Results All the twins had a genetic heritability of 0.59-0.87 after gender correctional age. The heritability of each index differed at different developmental stages. The trichoderma skin fold, scapular skin fold, and the thickness of two skinfolds , While the percentages of body fat in boys were lowest in pre-puberty (0.55,0.62,0.53,0.51 respectively). The female students were the lowest in adolescence (0.53,0.43,0.24,0.40 respectively). The heritabilities of male and female lean body mass decreased with adolescent development Showing an increasing trend. Conclusion Genetic factors play a major role in the skinfold thickness and body composition of children and adolescents, but age, gender and different stages of development also have some impact on them.