好大一碗冷饭!!不过,看上去好像还很不错的说! 光荣公司向来有“冷饭王”之称,它通常会把一个比较受欢迎的游戏追加某些新要素后重新推出,再赚一笔,这其中最为典型的莫过于《三国志》系列的《威力加强版》了。如今,光荣再次故技重施,将大受欢迎、全球销量过百万的ACT游戏《真·三国无双2》追加了部分新要素后重新推出,并美其名曰为《真·三国无双2 猛将传》(连游戏的标题也懒得换,只在下面加上了“猛将传”三个标宋大字,好歹也做个效果嘛,faint……)。
However, it looks like it is very good to say! Glorious company has always been “Cold Rice King ”, it will usually append some of the more popular game to add some new elements and then re- Launched, make a fortune, this one of the most typical than the “Three Kingdoms” series of “power” version. Today, glorious trick again, will be very popular, the global sales of millions of ACT game “Dynasty Warriors 2” added some new elements after the re-launch, and the United States called it “Dynasty Warriors 2 Meng Biography ”(even the title of the game too lazy to change, only added below the“ fierce generals ”three standard Song characters, whatever the outcome, do a result, faint ......).