莱曼·波特(Lyman Porter),美国心理学家、行为学家、人力资源管理专家,在耶鲁大学获得博士学位后,在加州大学伯克利分校任教11年1967年,他在加利福尼亚大学欧文分校管理研究院任院长和管理及心理学教授,现在是该院名誉教授他曾任管理学会和工业组织心理学学会会长,获得过两个学会颁发的特别科学贡献奖他还获得过1994年度管理学会的特别教育奖他感兴趣的主要研究领域是管理学和组织行为学1968年与爱德华·劳勒一起在《管理态度和成绩》中提出期望激励理论该理论模式的意义是:“激励”导致一个人的努力及努力的程度
Lyman Porter, American Psychologist, Behavioral Specialist, Human Resource Management Specialist, Ph.D., Yale University, University of California, Berkeley 11 years 1967 years, he managed at the University of California, Irvine Research Institute Dean and Professor of Management and Psychology, is now an honorary professor of the hospital He served as the Institute of Management and industrial organization psychology Society, has received two special scientific contributions awarded by the Society He also received 1994 management Special Education Award of the Society His main area of interest is his interest in management and organizational behavior 1968 With Edward Lawler in “Managing Attitudes and Achievements,” the notion of Expected Incentives The significance of this theoretical model is: “Incentives ”The degree of effort and effort that leads to one person