High-pressure structure and elastic properties of tantalum single crystal:First principles investiga

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhanglq
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Since knowledge of the structure and elastic properties of Ta at high pressures is critical for addressing the recent controversies regarding the high-pressure stable phase and elastic properties, we perform a systematical study on the highpressure structure and elastic properties of the cubic Ta by using the first-principles method. Results show that the initial body-centered cubic phase of Ta remains stable even up to 500 GPa and the high-pressure elastic properties are excellently consistent with the available experimental results. Besides, the high-pressure sound velocities of the single- and polycrystals Ta are also calculated based on the elastic constants, and the predications exhibit good agreement with the existing experimental data. Since knowledge of the structure and elastic properties of Ta at high pressures is critical for addressing the recent controversies regarding the high-pressure stable phase and elastic properties, we perform a systematical study on the highpressure structure and elastic properties of the cubic Ta by using the first-principles method. Results show that the initial body-centered cubic phase of Ta remains stable up to 500 GPa and the high-pressure elastic properties are excellently consistent with the available experimental results. Besides, the high-pressure sound velocities of the single- and polycrystals Ta are also calculated based on the elastic constants, and the predications exhibit good agreement with the existing experimental data.
先证者(Ⅳ1) 女,1岁半.阵发性抽搐5小时就诊.其母述患儿自生后6个月出现阵发性反复抽搐10余次,在外院诊断为"佝偻病低钙惊厥",补充钙剂治疗,未见好转.查体:精神差,反应迟钝,神志清,躯干部多处不规则色素脱失斑,心、肺、肝、肾无异常,眼底无异常。
目的 :了解深圳地区中老年妇女骨密度 (BMD)的变化规律和骨质疏松症 (OP)的患病率。方法 :采用 45 0 0W型双能X线骨密度仪对深圳地区中老年妇女 3 61名进行腰椎前后位、侧位