“如果我说我爱上谁,那一定是因为虚荣”。两年前,我在日记里这样对自己说。我童年的大部分时间是在暴躁的母亲手下过来的。父亲工作忙,一年只能见到一次。母亲不是不爱我,但是她对我不好。于是我告诉自己,只要有一个男孩子懂我,我就跟他走。但是年少轻狂又懵懂的我,又如何明白“懂”是什么意思。大一时,JACKY出现了。JACKY标准酷哥,又懂得猜我的心思,附加胆大包天。但他是第一个曾经这样靠近我的男孩,于是我便醉了,大醉。但是,他懂的人,除了我,还有他的前任女友。可恶之极! “分手吧!”倔强的我斩钉截铁。但是私底下的我,却伤心,失望,懊恼和愤怒。他毁了我的初恋,给我的憧憬划上了伤痕。我要把他赶出我青春的日记!而且除了爱情,我还要生活和学习。我不止一次地站在镜前说“对不起先生,我们已经完结了。”“我的新男友比你强N倍。”就算是因为虚荣吧,我也要我的男友强过他。
“If I say who I love, it must be because of vanity ”. Two years ago, I said to myself in my diary. Most of my childhood came in the hands of the grumpy mother. My father is busy working and can only see it once a year. My mother does not love me, but she is not good to me. So I told myself that as long as a boy knows me, I just follow him. But I am frivolous and ignorant young, how to understand “understand ” What does it mean. Freshman, JACKY appeared. JACKY standard cool guy, but also know how to guess my mind, additional boldness. But he was the first boy who was so close to me so I was drunk and intoxicated. However, he knows, besides me, and his ex-girlfriend. Damn the very! “Break it!” Stubborn I categorically. But privately, I was sad, disappointed, annoyed and angry. He ruined my first love and scratched my vision. I want to drive him out of my youth diary! And besides love, I still want to live and study. I stood in front of the mirror on more than one occasion and said, “I’m sorry, sir, we’re over. ” “My new boyfriend is n times stronger than you.” Even though it’s vanity, I want my boyfriend to be stronger than him .