
来源 :中国实用护理杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:amaozh
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随着现代医学的迅速发展及人民生活水平的不断提高, 患者对医院服务的要求越来越高,他们不仅希望疾病得到及时诊治,而且希望有一个良好的就医环境。因此,环境与健康的关系十分重要。1 设立门诊咨询台咨询台护士是患者进入医院接触的第一位医务人员,为病人提供优质服务首先从这里开始。我们在咨询台上摆放鲜花及各科路线指南,并存放免费使用轮椅5辆及专人负责接送行动不便及老弱病残患者就医、检查,使病人一进入医院就会感到温暖和体贴,由此而产生信任与信赖。 With the rapid development of modern medicine and continuous improvement of people’s living standards, patients are increasingly demanding on hospital services. They not only hope for timely diagnosis and treatment of the disease, but also hope to have a good medical environment. Therefore, the relationship between environment and health is very important. 1 Setting up outpatient information desk Informing information nurse is the first medical staff to contact patients into the hospital, to provide quality services to patients first start here. We placed flowers and guidebooks at the consultation desk. We also provided free use of 5 wheelchairs and handicapped persons in charge of mobility and sick and disabled patients for medical treatment and examination so that patients will feel warm and considerate as soon as they enter the hospital. This generates trust and trust.