
来源 :农村养殖技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanqingnan
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一场突如其来的“非典”疫情,扰乱了人们正常的生活,也打击了我国许多行业,养殖业也不例外,出现了畜禽产品、水产品流通受阻,区域性的供求失衡,价格反常低迷的状况。但我们的党和人民通过几个月艰苦卓绝的斗争,终于有效的控制住了“非典”疫情。6月24日,世界卫生组织解除了对北京的旅行警告,同时将北京从“非典”疫区名单中排除,至此中国抗“非典”取得阶段性重大胜利。随着“非典”疫情得到有效的控制,各地人流、物流逐渐恢复正常,餐饮业和旅游业开始走出阴影,一度遭受严重打击的养殖业也开始回暖:高档水产品重新受宠,鸡鸭鹅价格走出低谷,因外销受阻而价格低迷的一些产品价格也见回升。“非典”给养殖户以沉重的打击,但也给养殖业带来很多商机。“非典”过后,在清洗创伤、恢复生产的同时,如何主动出击、抢占商机,化危机为机遇是当前每个养殖工作者的首要任务。为此本社组织了相关的分析性文章,以飨读者。 A sudden “SARS” epidemic disrupts people’s normal life and has also hit many industries in our country. Breeding industry is no exception. Livestock and poultry products, blocked circulation of aquatic products, unbalanced regional supply and demand, and abnormally depressed prices have emerged situation. However, our party and people have finally effectively controlled the outbreak of “SARS” through months of painstaking struggle. On June 24, WHO released a travel warning to Beijing and at the same time excluded Beijing from the list of “SARS” epidemic areas. As a result, China’s anti-SARS campaign won a major stage victory. With the SARS epidemic being effectively controlled, the flow of people and goods from all parts of the country gradually returned to normal. The catering industry and the tourism industry started to get out of the shadow. The aquaculture industry, once hit hard, began to pick up again: Out of the trough, the price of some products that have been hindered by the export sales and the sluggish prices also saw a rebound. SARS has dealt a heavy blow to farmers, but it has also brought a lot of business opportunities to the breeding industry. After the “SARS”, it is a top priority of every farmer at the moment to clean the trauma and resume production. At the same time, it is the first task for every farmer to take the initiative and seize business opportunities and turn crises into opportunities. To this end, the agency has organized relevant analytical articles to readers.
9月29日,山东山旺国家地质公园古生物化石陈列馆展出一件世界罕见的长2.7米、高1.7米,怀有身孕的无角犀牛化石。这件怀胎待产的犀牛化石是在保护地质遗迹、修建硅藻土页岩剖面时发崛出土的世界上第一件完整而又怀孕的犀牛化石,距今约1800万年。   上世纪七、八十年代山旺山东鸟、齐鲁泰山鸟等鸟类化石的发现,填补了中新世时期的空白,从而成为国际上中新世生物建阶的重要依据,被称为“世界古生物化石宝库”。 
一、世界正在走向市场一体化 1.中国加盟WTO 关于中国加盟WTO的问题,继1999年中美达成协议之后,今年5月又与欧盟达成协议,再加上美国参议院通过了给中国永久最惠国待遇的法
王建廷教授 Professor Wang Jiading