Evaporating Momentum Force and Shear Force on Meniscuses of Elongated Bubble in Microchannel Flow Bo

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kency2008
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The evaporating momentum force and the shear force acting on the meniscus of an evaporating and elongating bubble in flow boiling in microchannel have been investigated theoretically and numerically.The concept of the effective evaporation region and the theory of the liquid layer supplement between elongated bubble and microchannel are proposed,and the analytical expressions of the evaporating momentum force and shear force have been obtained.The relative importance of both forces has been determined by the method of magnitude analysis and numerical simulation.It has been found that the evaporating momentum force can always be neglected in analyzing the bubble elongation process and the motion law of meniscus of elongated bubble in microchannel flow boiling,but whether the shear force should be considered or not is determined by its relative order of magnitude and the particular conditions such as channel dimension and the operating conditions. The evaporating momentum force and the shear force acting on the meniscus of an evaporating and elongating bubble in flow boiling in microchannel have been a theoretically and numerically.The concept of the effective evaporation region and the theory of the liquid layer supplement between elongated bubble and microchannel are proposed, and the analytical expressions of the evaporating momentum force and shear force have been. The relative importance of both forces has been determined by the method of magnitude analysis and numerical simulation. It has been found that the evaporating momentum force can always be be neglected in analyzing the bubble elongation process and the motion law of meniscus of elongated bubble in microchannel flow boiling, but whether the shear force should be considered or not is determined by its relative order of magnitude and the particular conditions such as channel dimension and the operating conditions.
一、缘起·缘来  2015年春,北京清和书屋,在莫晓松工作室里的写生台上摆满一簇簇的水仙花,是莫老师在腊月亲手种植的。水仙是“十大名花之一”,享有“早春第一花”之美誉。水仙花开时婷婷玉立,叶片青翠,花香扑鼻,花朵摇曳,飘然欲仙。在莫老师的指导下,开启第一次用毛笔直接对花写生,由生到熟,由差到好,通过由单幅到连幅再到长卷,反复地练习,逐渐掌握白描的表现技法,掌握写生的构图方法,由此对水仙情有独钟。二
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