1982年2月16-19日由加拿大国际发展研究中心组织(International Development Research Centre)在新加坡召开了一次双壳贝类养殖专题讨论会.与会人员共32人,代表了南亚、东南亚的13个国家与地区,东道国加拿大也派专家参加了会议.会上交流了各国双壳贝类养殖的概况,贻贝、牡蛎与泥
A Symposium on Bivalve Shellfish Culture was held in Singapore from February 16 to February 19, 1982 by the International Development Research Center (CIDA), with a total of 32 participants representing 13 countries in South and Southeast Asia And the region, the host country, Canada also sent experts to attend the meeting. At the meeting to exchange the bivalve shellfish aquaculture profiles, mussels, oysters and mud