A high-energy Nd: YAG pulsed laser was used to focus the surface of the test sample with a 1064 nm beam to generate a plasma and detect the spectral signal with a spectrometer and an ICCD. The spring, rock and soil of Yuntaishan were qualitatively studied by laser breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). Comparing the spectra of spring water and pure water, the spring water contains Ca and Mg. By comparing the experimental results of the dogwood peak rocks and the Tanbaogou rock, it can be seen that the compositions of the two rocks are quite different, and the rocks in the Tanpo waterfall gorge contain relatively more components. At the same time, comparative analysis was also made between the soil of Yuntong Cornusitou and the soil near the Central South University for Nationalities. It was found that Zn, Cu and Hg were found in the soil near Zhongnan University for Nationalities telecom college. However, a plant growth was found in the soil of Cornus officinalis Trace Mineral Element Ni.