在九十年代出版的第一刊物,即在1990年1月3~10日出版的英国权威性周刊《建筑师杂志》(Architects’Journal)(以下简称AJ)中的开场短篇社论中说:“……问题的一部分(今天“建筑在衰退”的激烈问题),可能由于近来最有影响的建筑思想不是来自设计实践,而是来自建筑评论”。这一论断来自发表于该杂志上的马丁·帕雷(Martin Pawley)的文章。在这次(国际建协)大会中的“国际建筑评论委员会”(CICA)的开幕式上,我们也许要问自己:AJ所讲的话是否可信?因为这是与“建筑的近期思想”有关的,而CICA在12年前,即1978年11月就创立了,它必然会被牵连。但有哪些
The first publication published in the 1990s was the opening short editorial in the British authoritative weekly “Architects’ Journal” (AJ) published on January 3 to 10, 1990: “ ... part of the problem (the fierce problem of today’s ”declining building“) may be due to the fact that the most influential architectural ideas in recent times have come not from design practices but from architectural reviews.” This assertion comes from the article published by Martin Pawley in the magazine. At the opening ceremony of the “International Architecture Review Committee” (CICA) in this (International Association for Association) Conference, we may ask ourselves: Is AJ’s words credible? Because this is related to the “modern ideas of architecture”. , and CICA was founded 12 years ago, that is, in November 1978, it will inevitably be implicated. But what