重庆市人民政府 重庆警备区关于认真做好2004年冬季退役士兵接收安置工作的通知

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各区县(自治县、市)人民政府、人民武装部,市政府各部门,驻渝独立师以上部队,有关企事业单位:根据《国务院、中央军委关于2004年冬季士兵退出现役工作的通知》(国发[2004]26号)精神,结合我市实际,现就做好2004年冬季士兵退出现役接收安置工作的有关事项通知如下:一、接收对象根据《中华人民共和国兵役法》的规定和军队体制编制调整改革的实际情况,今冬接收士兵退出现役的对象为:服现役满2年未被选取为士官的义务兵;服现役满本期规定年限未被选取为高一期的士官;伤、病、残滞留部队服现役超过2年的士兵;服现役满10年以上的退出现役的士官。因政治、身体等原因被安排提前退出现役的士兵,按有关规定执行。二、接收时间和方法复员士官和退役士兵同时接收,原则上从2004年11月开始,2005年1月结束。转业士官的档案实行集中交接,原则上从2005年1月开始,2月底基本结束, People’s governments of all districts and counties (autonomous counties and cities), people’s armed forces departments and municipal government departments and units above independence in Chongqing, relevant enterprises and institutions: According to the “Notice of the State Council and the Central Military Commission on the Winter Soldier’s Withdrawal from Active Service in 2004” (2004) No.26), in light of the actual situation in our city, we hereby notify you of the following matters concerning the handling of the 2004 winter soldiers’ withdrawal from active service in receiving and resettlement: I. Object of Reception According to the provisions of the “Military Service Law of the People’s Republic of China” and the military system Adjusting the actual conditions of the reform, the targets for receiving soldiers to retire their active service in the winter are: Compulsory officers who have not been selected as noncommissioned officers for 2 years in active service; those who have not been selected for the current period for active service over the prescribed period of life; those who are injured, sick or disabled Detention units serving in active service for more than two years; active service of more than 10 years in active service of non-commissioned officers. Due to political, physical and other reasons, the soldiers who are scheduled to withdraw from active service will be arranged according to relevant regulations. Second, the time and methods of receiving demobilized commission officers and retired soldiers to receive at the same time, in principle, from November 2004 onwards, January 2005 ended. The transfer of non-commissioned officers file focused on the transfer, in principle, from January 2005 onwards, by the end of February basically ended,
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