患者,男,68岁。因鼻出血先后在多家医院诊治,给予鼻腔填塞,用止血剂,输血及输液等处理无效。因反复鼻出血1个月余,要求行动脉栓塞收治入院。有高血压病史5年。检查:神志清,精神差,面色苍白。血压150/112 mmHg(1 mmHg—0.133kPa),心率100次/min,心电图正常。血红蛋白60g/L。右鼻腔有鲜血渗出,给予凡士林纱条填塞后血止,同时给予止血芳酸0.3 g、止血敏2 g加入5%葡萄糖注射液静脉滴注,并用抗生素治疗。次日凌晨4时许,右鼻腔(后端)再次突然出血300~400ml,立即给予立止血1 kU静脉推注,半小时后出血基本停止。因反复出血对症处理无效,遂于5月8日下午行右侧颌内动脉栓塞术。
Patient, male, 68 years old. Due to nasal bleeding in multiple hospitals for treatment, give nasal packing, with hemostatic agents, transfusion and infusion and other treatment is invalid. Repeated epistaxis for more than 1 month, requiring arterial embolism admitted to hospital. Have a history of hypertension for 5 years. Check: Consciousness, poor spirit, pale. Blood pressure 150/112 mmHg (1 mmHg-0.133kPa), heart rate 100 beats / min, normal ECG. Hemoglobin 60g / L. The right nasal cavity with exudation of blood to give Vaseline gauze packing blood stop, while giving hemostatic aromas 0.3 g, hemostatic sensitive 2 g 5% glucose injection by intravenous infusion, and antibiotics. At 4:00 the next day, the right nasal cavity (posterior end) suddenly hemorrhage 300 ~ 400ml, immediately give stop bleeding 1 kU intravenous injection, half an hour after the basic stop bleeding. Due to repeated treatment of symptomatic bleeding ineffective, then on the afternoon of May 8 line right maxillary artery embolization.