传统的板栗栽植方式是先栽植实生苗,待缓苗2~3年后再进行嫁接.该法不但缓苗慢,而且还推迟了结果期.莒南县坊前镇1990年在山岭坡地栽植100亩1年生栗苗,栽后当年平茬嫁接石丰等板栗良种,当年嫁接成活率达86.4%,新梢生长量为 54. 2cm;栽植嫁接第二年,平均株抽枝 5. 4个,年生长量
Traditional chestnut planting method is to planted seedlings to be slow to be 2-3 years after grafting, the method not only slow seedling slow, but also postponed the results period. Mu 1 year old chestnut seedlings planted grafted stumps and other chestnut breeds that year, then grafted survival rate of 86.4%, the new shoot growth was 54.2cm; the second year of planting grafting, the average plant shoots 5.4, Annual growth