《秘书之友》连续发表了多篇讨论下级机关请求上级机关批转应该用“请示”还是“报告”的文章.双方都言之成理,令人难判是非.我的一位朋友为此写信向国办主管部门请教,承蒙解答如下:关于下级机关要求上级机关批转应该用“请示” 还是“报告” 的问题,根据《国家行政机关公文处理办法》的规定:“请示”适用于向上级机关请求指示、批准.请求批准包括请求上级机关批准转发.“报告” 适用于向上级机关汇报工作,反映情况,提出意见或者建议,答复上级机关的询问.提出建议包括建议上级机关批准转发.
Friends of the Secretary published a number of articles in a row on the subordinate organ’s request to the higher authorities to approve the proposal of “asking for directions” or “reports.” It is hard to tell the truth from both sides, and one of my friends Letter to the State Administration in charge of advice, be 承蒙 answer as follows: On the lower authorities require higher authorities approved should be used “Request” or “report”, according to “the state administrative organ documents approach” requirement: “Request” applies to Request for approval from the higher authority, including the approval of the higher authorities request forwarded. “Report” is applicable to the higher authorities to report the work, to reflect the situation, make comments or suggestions, reply to the higher authorities. Suggestions include advice to the higher authorities approved the transfer .