
来源 :山西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:netfate
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我省合作社三反运动一般已胜利结束,业务亦正积极恢复,根据当前情况与华北总社指示之配合春耕抗旱生产救灾,积极开展供销业务,活跃城乡物资交流,并结合业务发展组织,调整干部,健全机构的总方针,特作如下指示:一、集中全力突击完成预购棉花工作。各级合作社应当作当前政治任务去进行,保证按期完成。必须明确预购棉花是保证管国丰产,增多工业原料,及推进合作社组织和业务的重要工作。因此就必须很好的贯彻中央指示精神,广泛而深入地从政治上思想上发动群众。目前却发现:(1)行政命令、干部包办、摊派预购和带有强制性的组织互助组的形式主义做法;(2)忽视「信用预购」偏重「赊销预购」;(3)忽视推行「订货单」,放弃有计划供应业务;这些偏向与错误,应立即纠正。必须贯彻以「信用预购」为主的方针,赊销物资应根据农民困难情况酌予分配,不应平均使用,提倡互让、互助、互爱,对群众讲明自愿等价的互助政策,启发其自觉自愿地组织起来,预售棉花。对于尚不愿意 The cooperative movement in our province has generally triumphed over the triumph. The business is also recovering actively. According to the current situation and North China Head Office, it cooperates with the spring drought relief and disaster relief work, actively conducts the supply and marketing business, and actively exchanges materials between urban and rural areas. In combination with the business development organization, , Improve the general guidelines of the organization, especially for the following instructions: First, concentrate on assault to complete pre-order cotton work. Cooperatives at all levels should carry out their current political tasks and ensure that they are completed on schedule. Cotton must be pre-ordered in a timely manner to ensure the country’s high yield in the country, increase industrial raw materials, and promote the organization and business of cooperatives. Therefore, we must implement the spirit of the directives of the Central Government well and mobilize the masses politically and ideologically in a broad and in-depth manner. At present, however, it is found that: (1) the administrative order, the arrangement of cadres, the pre-assessment of shares and the formalism with a mandatory mutual aid group are concerned; (2) the “credit pre-purchase” To give up planned supply business; these biases and mistakes should be corrected immediately. We must implement the principle of “credit pre-order.” Credit distribution should be based on the peasants’ difficulties and should not be used on an equal basis. We should promote mutual assistance, mutual assistance and mutual love, and explain voluntarily their mutual assistance policies to the masses and inspire them to voluntarily and voluntarily Organized, pre-sale of cotton. For still not willing
  目的 探讨二维超声与三维超声C平面成像对乳腺肿块的诊断价值.方法 通过研究106例患者共134个乳腺病变,与手术病理结果对照,分别计算三维超声C平面成像与常规超声(HHUS)的
  目的 初步探讨三维彩色血管能量成像在评估乳腺癌预后中的价值。方法 对92例乳腺癌患者术前进行三维超声检查和3D-CPA重建。首先使用线阵高频探头对双侧乳腺进行二维超声