In order to analyze the strong correlation between stocks and build a reasonable investment portfolio, 93 stocks in the coal power sector of China’s stock market were selected to establish a double-weighted network model based on daily closing prices and trading volumes from the time of stock listing until February 11, 2011. At In the model, the vertices are stocks, and the double sides are respectively established by the correlation between the stocks and the returns. The weights on the edges are the correlation coefficients. The results show that the vertex degree of the network obeys the power law distribution and the negative exponent δ is about 0.02; the vertex degree of single network shows the characteristic of “seesaw”, that is, the vertex with a moderate degree in a single network is very small in another single network; the modules in the network have homology, that is, the vertices in the module come from the same plate ; The maximum spanning tree of the network obviously forms a tree branch by the plate; the EGO structure of the network tree reflects the relationship between the supply of production materials and the business between the enterprises.