人并非总会主动地学习,这一点是毫无疑问的。作为职场中的教学者,我们每天都面临这样的挑战:尽最大可能地为职场人士提供最有意义的教学材料和学习内容。难吗?是的。但回报却是巨大的。约翰·凯勒(John Keller)根据早前的研究提出了ARCS动机设计模型,用以优化课程设计与内容,满足学习者需求,激发学习动力(建立和使用ARCS动机设计模型,教学发展期刊1987年10(3),2-10.“Development and Use of the ARCS Model of Motivational Design,”Journal of Instructional Development,10(3),2-10;1987)。
There is no doubt that people do not always learn on their own initiative. As a teaching staff in the workplace, we face the challenge every day: to provide the workplace with the most meaningful teaching materials and learning content to the greatest extent possible. Is it hard? But the return is huge. Based on earlier research, John Keller proposed ARCS motivation design models to optimize curriculum design and content to meet learner needs and stimulate motivation to learn (establishing and using ARCS motivation design models, Journal of Teaching Development, 1987 10 (3), 2-10. “Development and Use of the ARCS Model of Motivational Design, ” Journal of Instructional Development, 10 (3), 2-10; 1987).