一、品牌名称所有人都对品牌名称耳熟能详,它们就同名人的名字一样容易识别。有谁不知道诸如可口可乐(Coca-cola)、舒洁(Kleenex)、不干胶(ScotchTape)以及象牙牌香皂(Ivory Soap)呢?它们已成为几乎家喻户晓的名字。难怪,被称做“品牌名称”的产品名字,得到了公司以及生产商极为有力的保护。在每个工业化国家,任何人使用商标或品牌名称都等于是获得一种法
First, the brand name All people are familiar with the brand name, they are as easy to identify as the name of a celebrity. Who does not know about Coca-cola, Kleenex, ScotchTape and Ivory Soap? They have become almost household names. No wonder, the name of a product that is called “brand name” has been extremely well protected by companies and manufacturers. In every industrialized country, the use of a trademark or brand name by anyone is equivalent to obtaining a law.