Quantitative analysis on the contribution of industrial structure change to sustainable development:

来源 :Ecological Economy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuanpings
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Development and sustainability are the core connotation of sustainable development. Sustainability of economic development and the provision capability of resources and environment are two aspects of sustainable development. The former ones are the foundation of the latter ones. Industrial structure has a close relationship with sustainable development. The optimization of industrial structure is the important base for the sustainable development of modern economy and also the important ways of the sustainable utilization of resources and environment. The intensive growth effect of industrial structure change has the meaning of sustainable development. This paper reviews and explains the theory on the contribution of industrial structure change to sustainable development, builds the calculation model through introducing the coeff icient of industrial structure change, makes an empirical study on the contribution of industrial structure change to sustainable development in Fujian, and puts forward ways and policies of optimizing industrial structure both among industries and inside the industry in the process of industrial structure change. Development and sustainability are the core connotation of sustainable development. Sustainability of economic development and the provision capability of resources and environment are two aspects of sustainable development. The former ones are the foundation of the latter ones. The optimization of industrial structure is the important base for the sustainable development of modern economy and also the important ways of the sustainable utilization of resources and environment. The intensive growth effect of industrial structure change has the meaning of sustainable development. This paper reviews and explains the theory on the contribution of industrial structure change to sustainable development, builds the calculation model through introducing the coeff icient of industrial structure change, makes an empirical study on the contribution of industrial structure change to sustainable development in Fujian, and p uts forward ways and policies of optimizing industrial structure both among industries and inside the industry in the process of industrial structure change.
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