人类的劣根性之一,就是喜欢把自己的失败归咎于那些完全超 出人力控制以及难以为人类行为所及的各种力量。这种精神伎俩虽 使烦人的羞辱感转化为一种自负的新信念,以为宇宙这架庞大的机 器处于运动当中就是为了干预人们的事业,但这其实不过是一种最
One of the bad things about human beings is to like to blame their failures on those forces that go beyond human control and are hard for human behavior. Although this kind of mental trick turns annoying humiliation into a new conviction of self-confidence, thinking that this huge machine in the universe is in motion is to intervene in the cause of the people, it is actually the most