As early as 2500 years ago, Confucius said: “Four seas are all brothers. ” The universal sea of the Confucian era refers to China, and the four seas we understand today refer to the whole world. Since ancient times, mankind has been interacting with each other. Especially since the great voyage, there has been unprecedented collision and exchange between East and West and there is no longer any force in the world that can separate them. Today, some people say that the era of world economic integration has arrived. Is it culturally different? Ten years ago, I was the chief editor of “Encyclopedia of Fine Arts in China.” I have been studying and publishing Chinese and foreign art for a long time Has a strong interest, long ago wanted to compile a series of Chinese and foreign art history. While teaching in the United States and Japan, I saw people of all colors lined up in front of art galleries, and I feel more deeply that the popularization of art education has the potential to improve the quality of the people