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初中化学全一册第221面第14题(1)是:炉火用扇子扇,越扇越旺,蜡烛的火焰一扇就灭为什么?教学参考书398面的答案是:“蜡烛火焰扇子一扇,由于空气流动带走了热量使温度降到蜡烛的着火点以下,火焰就熄灭了,而炉火的着火面积大,用扇子扇时不会使它的温度降到着火点以下,相反,由于空气流通,使氧气供给更充足,燃烧得也更旺。”我们认为这样回答不妥。我们通过一个实验来说明一下。点燃一根蜡烛,将它垂直于水平面并固定住。将理发用的电吹风接通电源,按下开关,当电吹风吹出的空气温度达最高时,将电吹风的喷嘴水平地对准蜡烛的火焰。 The 213th question (1) of the 221th surface of the junior high school chemistry book is: The fan is used for the fire, the fan is more and more prosperous, and the flame of the candle is extinguished. Why? The answer to the reference book 398 is: “The candle flame fan In a fan, because the air flow takes away heat and the temperature falls below the ignition point of the candle, the flame is extinguished, and the fire has a large area of ​​ignition. Using a fan will not make its temperature fall below the ignition point. Instead, due to The circulation of air makes oxygen supply more abundant and it will burn even more.” “We don’t think this is a good answer.” We explain it through an experiment. Light a candle, place it perpendicular to the horizon and hold it. The hair dryer is switched on and the switch is pressed. When the temperature of the air blown by the hair dryer is the highest, the nozzle of the hair dryer is horizontally aligned with the flame of the candle.
<正> 在研究理想气体状态的变化时,往往用 p-V 图线,p-T 图线及 V-T 图线来表示。为了使学生理解图线的意义及掌握气体状态变化的规律,教学中又经常要求学生从其中一个图线(