近年来,高等学校英语应用能力考试受到了越来越多的重视和关注。本文以2001年至2006年的12份试卷的“词汇用法和语法结构”(Vocabulary and Grammar)部分共240道题为样本,从三个方面(测试内容是否和测试目标有关;测试内容是否具有代表性;测试内容是否符合测试对象)对其进行内容效度分析,希望对该考试的命制有所帮助,并提出了一些建议以提高其试卷的质量。
In recent years, college English proficiency test has received more and more attention and attention. In this paper, a total of 240 questions from the “Vocabulary and Grammar” section of 12 papers from 2001 to 2006 are taken as samples, from three aspects (whether the test content relates to the test target; whether the test content is Representativeness of the test; whether the test content conforms to the test object) to carry out the content validity analysis of the test, hoping to help the test’s preparation and put forward some suggestions to improve the quality of the test paper.