早在1880年 Mackenzie 就已报道儿童睡眠时的气道阻塞,但直到最近才认识其重要性.正常吸气时通过咽、喉及舌(特别是颏舌肌)部肌肉协调收缩而维持上呼吸道的开放性。当快速眼动(REM)睡眠期,除膈肌外所有骨骼肌的张力均受抑制,因而于吸气时常有咽部狭窄,如鼻咽部存在某些结构性狭窄,再患有上呼吸道感染或颈部屈曲,则可加重上气道的狭窄或阻塞。儿童扁桃体或腺样增殖体肿大时,通常
Mackenzie reported airway obstruction in children’s sleep as early as 1880, but its importance has not been recognized until recently. The upper respiratory tract is maintained through the coordinated contraction of the muscles of the pharynx, larynx and tongue (especially the genioglossus) during normal inspiration Openness. When REM sleep, all skeletal muscles except the diaphragm muscle tension are suppressed, and therefore often have pharyngeal stenosis inhalation, such as the nasopharynx there are some structural stenosis, and then suffering from upper respiratory tract infection or Neck buckling, you can increase the narrow upper airway or obstruction. Children with tonsil or adenoid enlargement, usually