Patient, male, 53 years old. Left palm long black spot 53 years, ulcerated half year. A few days after the patient was born, he found a large black spot on his left paw, which gradually increased with age, pigmentation, no discomfort, and no treatment. Two years ago, the skin lesion surface rapidly increased and the pigment deepened. A large number of large rice papules appeared in the center of the lesion a year ago, and gradually increased in size. Six months ago, the surface was damaged, bleeding, and pain when walking. Physical examination: no abnormal systemic system findings. Department of Dermatology: There is a large dark spot with a diameter of 3.5cm at the 4th metatarsophalangeal joint of the left paw of the left palm. The boundary is clear. There is a 2×1cm deep black uplift plaque in the center. The boundary is irregular, jagged, and the surface resembles a myrica. There is a small ulcer and exudation in the center. Bilateral groin lymph nodes are not swollen.