,Casimir Force of Piston Systems with Arbitrary Cross Sections under Different Boundary Conditions

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kahn419
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We study the Casimir force between two pistons under different boundary conditions inside an infinite cylinder with arbitrary cross section.It is found that the attractive or repulsive character of the Casimir force for a scalar field is determined only by the boundary condition along the longitudinal direction and is independent of the cross section,transverse boundary conditions and the mass of the field.Under symmetric Dirichlet-Dirichlet,Neumann-Neumann and periodic longitudinal boundary conditions the Casimir force is always attractive,but is repulsive under non-symmetric Dirichlet-Neumann and anti-periodic longitudinal boundary conditions.The Casimir force of the electromagnetic field in an ideal conductive piston is also investigated.This force is always attractive regardless of the shape of the cross section and the transverse boundary conditions.
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我是一名小学五年级的语文老师,目前带的这个班,是我从一年级带上来的。每天的早自习,我都会做一件事情,就是和学生一起诵读,在诵读声中和他们一起享受和陶醉,一起思考和进步,过着教学相长的生活。这一读就是五年。回顾我们班的日有所诵故事,让我想起《日有所诵》中所选刘亮程的一段文字:“我一回头,身后的草全开花了,一大片。好像谁说了一个笑话,把一滩草惹笑了。”这段话,用来形容我的感受,也是合适的。  从教以来