The authors summarized 533 cases of primary lung cancer treated during the period from 1987 to 1993. Among them, 63 cases (11.8%) were diagnosed with liver metastases before their lifetime diagnosis, while 40 cases (63.5%) of liver metastases were diagnosed with lung cancer. During the process, there were 23 cases (36.5%) of liver metastases. The liver is one of the major sites of metastasis of primary lung cancer. The literature reports that the incidence of liver metastases from lung cancer is 38% to 44%, but the clinical diagnosis rate in this group is relatively low. Although this is related to the diagnostic rate of abdominal ultrasound, CT, etc., it is generally considered that in most cases, it is due to early liver metastasis. The lack of symptoms, and the importance of screening for hepatic metastases only when lung cancer is diagnosed, and subsequent new metastases, have not been adequately examined.