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从1994年,国家人事部批准建立的专业技术人员执业资格制度,先后已出台一级注册建筑师、二级注册建筑师、监理工程师、造价工程师、房地产估价师、注册资产评估师、执业药师、执业中药师、珠宝玉石质量检验师、注册税务师、拍卖师等10个专业(见附表一)的实施文件。经考核和专家审定,国家人事部会同国务院有关部门先后认定、特许了一批一级注册建筑师、二级注册建筑师、注册资产评估师、执业药师、执业中药师、房地产估价师的执业资格。从1995年开始,国家人事部会同国务院有关部门先后组织了一级注册建筑师、二级注册建筑师、房地产估价师、注册资产评估师、执业中药师等5个专业的执业资格的全国统一考试。我国专业技术人员执业资格制度的工作就这样逐步地开展起来了。为了得到广大专业技术人员和社会各界的理解和支持,切实做好这项工作,本刊特开辟“专业技术人员执业资格业务讲座”,陆续介绍这方面的情况。以飨读者。 Since 1994, the qualification system for professional and technical personnel approved by the Ministry of Personnel has been put in place. It has successively issued first class registered architects, second class registered architects, supervision engineers, cost engineers, real estate valuers, registered asset appraisers, licensed pharmacists, Practicing pharmacists, jewelry jade quality inspector, CTA, auctioneer and other 10 professional (see Schedule 1) implementation documents. After examination and expert examination and approval, the State Personnel Department in conjunction with the relevant department of the State Council has successively determined that a group of first-grade registered architects, second-class registered architects, registered assets appraiser, licensed pharmacist, licensed pharmacist and real estate appraiser have been licensed . Since 1995, the Ministry of Personnel of the People’s Republic of China and the relevant departments of the State Council have successively organized five nationally unified exams for practicing qualifications such as first class registered architects, second class registered architects, real estate valuers, registered asset appraisers and practicing Chinese medicine practitioners. . The work of the qualification system for professional and technical personnel in our country has been progressively carried out in this way. In order to get the general professional and technical personnel and the community’s understanding and support, do a good job of this work, this issue has opened a “professional and technical qualification of the business seminar,” one after another to introduce this situation. To 飨 readers.
According to news published on March 7th, it has been learned from Jiangxi Tungsten Industry Group Co., Ltd that in 2011, Jiangxi Tungsten has a budget Accordi
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河北省唐山海港经济开發区第二中学小学部四年级  冬天,  给大山戴了  一顶雪白的帽子。  冬天,  给大地铺了  一条洁白的地毯。  冬天,  弄丢了花朵,  弄丢了绿叶,  也弄丢了小鸟悦耳的歌声。  但是,  冬天,  给小朋友们  带来了快乐。  冰上播放着  孩子们的笑声。  (指导老师:赵春凤)
中国的古典诗词是一座丰富的文化宝库,它以其精炼含蓄的语言,深刻隽永的内涵,高超多样的手法,在中国文学史上闪耀着璀璨的光芒。对这些异彩纷呈、光芒四射的古典诗词,我们如果只是学习而不进行运用,也就失去了学习古典诗词的一大意义。  众所周知,清代学者王国维在《人间词话》中引用了“昨夜西风凋碧树,独上高楼,望尽天涯路”,“衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴”,“众里寻她千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处”来
我国自20世纪80年代开始 的社会治安综合治理,是 对维护社会安全的这一世界性难题的新探索。如今,这一制度不仅成为我国公民普遍认同的有效打击和防范犯罪的根本方略,而且得