图书馆引进计算机和上网 ,改变了图书馆的固有观念 ;新一轮的院校合并和办学模式的转变 ,也需要高校图书馆作出相应的调整。如何利用现有人力 ,合理配备图书馆的人员结构 ,这是目前高校图书馆所面临的新问题。本文拟就这一课题 ,提出“新三线”的观点。即将原有的工作重点转移到信息资源的采集和服务上来。强调采集环节的地位和人员业务素质 ;重视在新环境下的服务人员的再培训 ,扩大服务领域 ,最大限度地利用图书馆资源
The introduction of computers and the Internet by libraries has changed the inherent concept of the library. The new round of institutional mergers and changes in the mode of running schools also require the university libraries to make corresponding adjustments. How to make use of the existing manpower and rationally equip the staff structure of the library is a new problem that the university library now faces. This article is about this issue, put forward the “new three lines” point of view. The original focus will be shifted to the collection of information resources and services up. Emphasize the status of collection and professional quality of personnel; attach importance to the retraining of service personnel under the new environment, expand service areas and maximize the use of library resources