With the development of assisted reproductive technology, human oocyte freezing technology has been widely concerned and widely used. However, compared with cryopreservation of early embryos, cryopreservation of oocytes has the characteristics of low survival rate after resuscitation, low fertilization rate, poor embryo development potential, low pregnancy rate and high abortion rate. Frozen and thawed processes, as well as cryoprotectants, can cause a variety of morphological, cytological, and physiological, biochemical effects on oocytes. Such as: cryoprotectant, freeze-thaw process can affect the oocyte spindle, cytoskeleton, intracellular calcium, proteome, cell metabolism and oocyte activity and development potential to varying degrees. Studying the special biological characteristics of oocytes and the effects of freezing on them will help to improve the oocyte freezing method and improve the success rate.