Example 1, male, 36 years old, due to cold, stuffy nose, fever, headache to our hospital for penicillin sodium intramuscular injection, the third day after injection about 1 minute chest tightness, palpitations dizziness, nausea, blurred vision, chills, At that time, blood pressure 55 / 30mmHg, heart rate 120 beats / min, immediately given adrenaline and other emergency treatment, 1 hour after dizziness due to significant EEG examination, suggesting mild abnormalities showed a large number of 20H_2 low amplitude β activity and 5 ~ 6H_2 wide range of low-amplitude θ activity, α wave no. A week later, the patient was still feeling dizzy, reviewing the critical anomalies of the EEG showed low and medium alpha rhythms, but the amplitude modulation