小姨家的村落有个美丽的名字:莲塘。插队时,每逢夏天,常喜欢清晨独自一人走30里路,到莲塘去。 小村虽没有“接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红”的壮景,然每家每户都有一方池塘,或房前屋后,或林边树间。走着走着,不经意间就见满池碧绿的圆寂,袅袅着粉色的花。那份突如其来的喜悦,总使我凝神屏息,唯恐惊吓了这梦幻般的美景。寂静的明晃晃的太阳下,安然宁静的小村,坦露着翡翠胸脯的池塘,偶有风拂过,阔大的荷叶便翻卷舒展,此时,羽红摇摇,扇白翻翻,心底会流出周邦彦的诗句来:“叶上初阳干宿雨,水面清圆,一一风荷举”。 荷,风姿雨韵,姿在风,韵在雨。雨一下,迷茫中,粉艳艳,碧净净,更加出落得眉清目秀。雨珠溅落圆叶上,宛如珍珠切切喳喳,叶一
Aunt’s home village has a beautiful name: Liantang. Skip the queue, every summer, often like to go alone in the early morning 30 miles to Liantang go. Although the village did not “take the sky infinite lotus leaf, the Japanese maple flower kind of red,” the strong scene, but each household has a pond, or the front of the house, or the edge of the tree. Walked and inadvertently saw the green pond of a full moon, curled with pink flowers. That sudden joy, always make me breath-hold, lest this fright shocked beauty. Quietly shining sun, quiet and quiet village, a pool of jade breasts, with occasional wind blowing, wide lotus leaf will be rolled stretch, this time, feather red shattering, fan flipping, heart will be Zhou Bangyan out of the poem to: “dry leaves on the leaves of the early spring, clear water surface, eleven wind load.” Dutch, graceful rhyme, posture in the wind, rhyme in the rain. Rain, confused, pink Yan Yan, Bi net net, even more impressive. Raindrops splashed round leaves, like pearl chicane, leaves one