新世纪第一年,一场全新形态下的战争在阿富汗打响。 2001年10月7日晚,随着美军水面舰艇和美英潜艇发射的50枚“战斧”式巡航导弹呼啸着射向阿富汗国土,美国因为“9·11”事件而对阿富汗塔利班和本·拉登发动的反恐怖战争——“持久自由”行动开始了。这是一场力量严重不对称的战争。战争的一方是世界上最强大的国家美国及其北约盟国,另一方则是孤立无援的塔利班及本·拉登的“基地”组织。因此,这场战争从开始的那一天起,胜负就没有任何悬念了。人们关注的是美国会采取什么方式来“导演”这场战争。 两个月后的12月7日,在美国战机的狂轰滥炸和阿富汗北方联盟地面围攻下,困守坎大哈的塔利班宣布投降。12月22日,阿富汗北方联盟领导人拉巴尼在交接仪式上正式宣布将政权移交给临时政府主席卡尔扎伊。塔利班对阿富汗的6年统治同时宣告结束。
In the first year of the new century, a completely new war broke out in Afghanistan. On the night of October 7, 2001, with the 50 Tomahawk cruise missiles launched by U.S. surface ships and the U.S.-British submarines making their way to Afghanistan, the United States attacked the Taliban and Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan as a result of the Sept.11 attacks. The war on terror launched - the Operation Enduring Freedom began. This is a war of serious asymmetry. One side of the war is the United States, the most powerful nation in the world, and its NATO allies, while the other is the Taliban and Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda. Therefore, from the very beginning of the war, there will be no suspense of the outcome. People are concerned about what the United States will take to “direct” the war. Two months later, on December 7, the Taliban captaining Kandahar announced their surrender under the indiscriminate bombing of U.S. planes and the siege of the northern coalition of Afghanistan. On December 22, Rabbani, leader of the northern coalition of Afghanistan, formally announced the handover of power to Karzai, the interim government president, at the handover ceremony. The Taliban’s six-year rule over Afghanistan has come to an end at the same time.