位于北京东三环北路附近的亮马河、莱太两 个花卉批发市场,是大多数业内人士熟知的。“亮马河”建设早,定位准,生意兴隆;“莱太”起点高,规模大,特色经营。两个市场各有各的优势,几年来彼此相安无事。2000年11月24日两家突然“开战”。这一战惊动了政府,惊动了媒体,惊动了几年来一直关注花卉批发市场建设和管理的各方人士。
The Liangmahe and Laitai two flower wholesale markets near Beijing’s North Third Ring Road are well-known to most people in the industry. “Liangma River” early construction, accurate positioning, business is booming; “Lai too” a high starting point, large-scale, special management. The two markets each have their own advantages and have been at peace with each other for years. November 24, 2000 Two sudden “war”. This war aroused the government and aroused the media, alarming people who have been paying attention to the construction and management of the flower wholesale market for several years.