“Mustard School Painting series on the expressive character” is the Qing Dynasty Shen Zongqian figure painting theory, there is such a sentence “painting categories at most, and the most ancient portrayed the origin of God, Later generations. ”“ The categories of painting are divided into many kinds, the oldest is the vivid and portrayed, because it is used to convey the sages of the sages. We can see the importance of vividness in painting. ”“ But for God’s sake, therefore, it is not divorced. ”“ But the reason for God is not divorced from form. Also expounded on the insurmountable expression. In the Song and Yuan dynasties, the theory of figure painting inherited the aesthetic tendency of ”heavyheadedness and lightness “, which was first proposed by Gu Kaizhi. And Shen Zongqian believes that shape in God first. Normally we use ”god“ and ”form“ on the portrayal of characters, but on landscape we use ”potential“ and ”qi". In my opinion, they can communicate with each other. You can also use this to explain why God is first.