南岗区卫生防疫站于1995年着手组织等级站的评审工作,历时一年多的时间于1996年末通过了哈尔滨市卫生局专家评审组的评定。在黑龙江省首家达到区级一等站标准,获卫生部颁发的区级一等卫生防疫站证书。1 领导重视 卫生防疫站评审是一项系统工程,我们首先得到南岗区委、区政府的重视,在财力上给予支持,并协调有关部门在给予卫生防疫的政策落实上为着眼
Nangang District Health and Anti-epidemic Station began to organize the evaluation of grade stations in 1995, which lasted over one year and passed the evaluation of the expert assessment team of Harbin Health Bureau at the end of 1996. In Heilongjiang Province, it was the first to achieve district-level first-class station standards and was awarded a district-level first-class sanitation and epidemic prevention station certificate by the Ministry of Health. 1 The leadership attaches great importance to the evaluation of health and epidemic prevention stations is a systematic project. We first got the attention of the Nangang District Party Committee and the district government, gave financial support, and coordinated the relevant departments to pay attention to the implementation of the policy of sanitation and epidemic prevention.