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近年来,一些地方为解决工业及城镇建设用地的问题,把征占用地的主要方向转向林地特别是国有林场用地,导致国有林地和国有森林资源资产严重流失,有的地方甚至为了把国有林场经营管理的土地规划为城镇建设用地,将国有林场层层下放,造成林场建设与管理的混乱,严重影响了国家生态建设的发展。现提出了我国林场建设存在的问题,指出搞好国有林场的建设,一方面要加快改革,搞活机制,但考虑林业不能只讲经济效益而不讲生态效益的因素,另一方面国家要从政策上给予支持。 In recent years, in order to solve the problem of industrial and urban construction land, some places have turned the main direction of land acquisition and occupation to forest land, especially the land for state-owned forest farms, resulting in the serious loss of assets of state-owned forest land and state-owned forest resources. In some places, Management of land planning for urban construction land, the state-owned forest farms down, causing the chaos of forest construction and management, seriously affected the development of national ecological construction. Now put forward the problems in the construction of forest farm in our country and pointed out that to improve the construction of state-owned forest farms, we must speed up the reform and invigoration mechanism, but we should consider the factors that forestry can not talk about economic benefits without ecological benefits, on the other hand, On the support.
Background It has been known that intra-cellualr immunity is important for defense against viral infections and this function lies with interferon gamma (INF-γ
Background Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) shows highly invasive and metastatic features. This study aims to investigate macrophage migration inhibitory factor (
“我们食堂的饭菜实在难以下咽,不合我的胃口”;“在外面吃饭太贵,不够经济实惠”;“午休时间短,外出吃饭来不及”;  这都是上班族对午餐的抱怨。有没有解决方法呢?  既能节省时间又能满足胃口,既经济实惠又安全方便的办法无疑就是自带盒饭。    午饭最好当天做  若要带饭,最好每天早晨起来做,饭菜存放的时间不能超过12小时。如果是前一天晚上准备,就要将想带的饭菜密封好放在冰箱冷藏室中,第二天到单位后,
The beet armyworm,Spodoptera exigua (Lepidoptera:Noctuidae),is an economically important pest of crops worldwide,attacking plants from over 20 families includin
【摘 要】贵州省山地占国土面积的93%,仅喀斯特面积就占国土面积的73%,是全国唯一没有平原支撑的省份。人口众多、耕地少,且水土流失尚未得到有效遏制,土地石漠化还在发展。农业劳动力素质也较低,农村贫困面大,农业和农村经济都面临重重困难。因此我省农业要想取得发展,实施可持续发展战略也是必须的。   【关键词】贵州农业 可持续发展   一、贵州省农业发展基本情况   1.地理条件与农业发展的相关性  
[摘要] 随着现代化城市建设的高度发展,城市园林事业取得了举世瞩目的巨大成就。用于绿化的花卉品种倍受人们的关注,在花卉的美化功能被认可的同时,其应用种类单一、绿化水平低的矛盾也逐渐暴露出来,可见增加城市绿化用花卉种类,加快城市绿化美化速度显得十分必要。宿根花卉种类繁多,品种丰富,一年种植、多年观赏的特点节省大量人力、物力和财力,是城市绿化、美化极适合的植物材料。  [关键词] 宿根花卉 品种 景观