从对确立党的正确指导思想发生重要影响的历次党代表大会的历史回顾中 ,可以更加深刻、具体地理解党的十六大把“三个代表”重要思想确立为党的指导思想 ,是党的指导思想发展的新篇章。十六大报告在对党的先锋队性质的认识、体现党成为执政党之后“两个转变”的要求、“三个代表”思想从理论创新走向全面实践创新等方面均有新的发展
From the historical review of the previous congresses of the major parties that have an important influence on establishing the correct guiding ideology of the party, we can understand more profoundly and concretely that the important thinking of the ’Three Represents’ as the party’s guiding ideology is the party’s 16th congress and the party The guiding ideology of the development of a new chapter. The 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has made new demands in understanding the nature of the party’s vanguard, reflecting the requirement of “two changes” after the party became the ruling party and pushing forward the theory of “three represents” from theoretical innovation to comprehensive practice and innovation