MICHEL BOUVET(米歇尔·布维)生于1955年,是法国著名的招贴大师.曾于1987与1992两次获法国文化性招贴大奖,并在约30个国家举办过近50次招贴作品个展,这在当今的欧洲是极罕见的.以他的名字命名的工作室,除作为一个独立的平面设计机构外,还参与组织许多法国或国际性的有关平面设计的文化交流活动,他同时兼任法国高等图形艺术学院ESAG教授.以下是在米雪布维工作室对他作的一次专访.
Born in 1955, MICHEL BOUVET is a famous French poster master who won two French cultural poster awards in 1987 and 1992 and has held nearly 50 solo exhibitions in about 30 countries , Which is extremely rare in today’s Europe.After his name studio as an independent graphic design agency, also participated in the organization of many French or international cultural exchange on graphic design, he also concurrently ESAG, French Institute of Graphic Arts, France The following is an interview with Michelle Bouvet in his studio.