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  I have spent most of my adult life traveling around the world, mostly for work but sometimes for holidays. I’ve lived in or visited many countries across Asia and Europe, but I had never been to South America—until this year.
  In March, my company sent me to work in Colombia for two weeks. I knew some things about it, but I wasn’t sure what to expect. When I arrived in the capital city of Bogota2, however, I fell in love with it.

  It started the morning after I arrived, which was a Sunday. I walked outside of my hotel to get the lay of3 the land. The street in front of my hotel stretched for many miles, but on this day, it was closed. Instead of cars and buses, I saw a lot of people jogging, biking, and walking their dogs. I was mesmerized4, so I decided to join in and walked a few miles myself that day. I later discovered that this is a tradition in Bogota that has continued for decades, called ciclovia. Every Sunday from the morning until 2pm the streets around the city are closed so people can get outside and exercise as a community.
  That first day in Bogota was just the tip of the iceberg. During the two weeks I spent in Colombia I discovered many things that make the country unique.


  If you go to a Starbucks in Beijing, chances are you are drinking coffee that comes from Colombia, Kenya, Guatemala or Ethiopia.5 Coffee is serious business in Colombia; it made up more than 8% of all of the country’s exports in 2016. It is an integral part of Colombian culture with 500,000 coffee growers cultivating the commodity on more than two million acres of land.6
  Coffee is harvested by hand and at a higher altitude than other coffee-producing countries. That means it arguably tastes better and is of a higher quality. Perhaps the most important thing about coffee is its identity as an integral part of Colombian culture. Step outside in Bogota on an early weekday morning and you will likely see someone imbibing7 a small cup of the hot liquid to start off the day. Coffee is so inherent to Colombian culture, UNESCO declared the “coffee cultural landscape of Colombia” a World Heritage Site in 2011.8


  Colombia is one of the most biodiverse9 countries in the world. Even though Bogota has mountains and plateaus10, elsewhere there are jungles, beaches, rivers and deserts, too. It has more than 1,800 bird species—the most worldwide. 71 of those species are unique only to Colombia.
  The country seems to have been made for hikers. One can go to the Amazon rainforest11, most of which is in Brazil but about 10% of it is in Colombia. Or, a person can hike up the Andes Mountains, which is the longest continental mountain range in the world, stretching from the top to the bottom of South America.12
  The aforementioned13 places are marked by a very high altitude. Bogota itself is around 8,600 feet (2,600 meters) above sea level. That means altitude sickness14 is a very real threat, whether someone is simply visiting Bogota or going on a hiking adventure outside the city. Being so high up can make a person prone to dehydration,15 feeling dizzy or sick as a result. I was ok for the first few days, but by my third day in Bogota I started feeling nauseous16 and needed to rest before I felt normal again. Often when people experience this nausea, there is a special tea made from the coca plant to help ease the symptoms of altitude sickness.


  The Colombian people are very warm. The typical greeting, whether it is with a colleague or a dear friend, is to give each other a hug and a kiss on one cheek. Men usually shake hands with each other. Traditionally, older people are granted large amounts of respect because of their age and wisdom; at the dinner table they are served food and drink first. One thing I also noticed, which reminds me of China, is that people love their dogs. In the morning or evening, it is not uncommon to see people in parks with their beloved pets.
  Ethnically there are 84 different populations of indigenous people and 60 different languages.17 Even with such diversity, there is one thing that unites everyone in Colombia: football, or soccer. Music,literature and art are represented well by the singer Shakira, the author Gabriel GarciaMarquez and Fernando Botero, respectively.18 The latter two have museums devoted to them because they are considered national treasures by the people.


  What makes a culture unique if it isn’t the food? Besides the coffee, the cuisine of Colombia is a food lover’s dream. It starts at breakfast, where arepa is often served. It’s a corn cake stuffed with cheese and cooked on a griddle.19 A person can also opt to have many types of pastries that are filled with meat and cheese.20 For lunch or dinner, one of the many different types of traditional foods is something a friend from Colombia suggested I try: ajiaco. It is a potato soup with meat, like shredded chicken, and a cob of corn that comes with fresh avocado and cream on the side.21 There are too many other amazing dishes to list here, but among the staples of the Colombian diet are meat, corn, cheese and plantains—a more starchy, savory version of the banana.22   Although South America was never really on my touristic radar23, Colombia has changed my mind. Between the culture, its natural wonders and the food and coffee, I plan to return and get to know the country more intimately24. What I have mentioned here is just a fraction25 of what the country has to offer. I just can’t believe it took me this long to discover.
  1. Colombia: 哥伦比亚,位于南美洲西北部,是拉丁美洲第四大经济体。
  2. Bogota: 波哥大,哥伦比亚首都,是哥伦比亚最大的城市,也是拉美最大、最现代化的城市之一。
  3. get the lay of: 了解情况。
  4. mesmerize: // 深深吸引,使着迷。
  5. Kenya: 肯尼亚,位于非洲东部,赤道横贯中部,东非大裂谷纵贯南北;Guatemala:危地马拉,中美洲国家;Ethiopia: 埃塞俄比亚,位于非洲东北部。
  6. 它是哥伦比亚文化不可或缺的一部分,有50万的咖啡种植者在两百多万英亩的土地上种植着这一商品。integral: 不可分割的。
  7. imbibe: 喝,饮用。
  8. UNESCO: 联合国教科文组织(the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization),其宗旨是促进教育、科学及文化方面的国际合作,以利于各国人民之间的相互了解,维护世界和平;coffee cultural landscape of Colombia: 哥伦比亚咖啡文化景观,位于哥伦比亚西部安第斯山脉的中西部山麓之间,由六处农业景观和18个城市中心所组成,是可持续的且富有生产能力的文化景观的杰出代表,于2011年入选世界文化和自然遗产名录;World Heritage Site: 世界遗产地,即被列入联合国《世界遗产名录》的具有重大文化、历史、科学价值的地点或建筑。
  9. biodiverse: 生物种类繁多的,生物物种丰富的。
  10. plateau: 高原。
  11. Amazon rainforest: 亚马孙热带雨林,位于南美洲的亚马孙盆地,占地七百万平方公里,是全球最大及物种最多的热带雨林。
  12. 又或者,他可以徒步攀登安第斯山脉,这是世界上最长的大陆山脉,南北纵贯南美大陆。Andes Mountains: 安第斯山脉,属于科迪勒拉山系,位于南美洲西岸,从北到南全长8,900余千米,是世界上最长的山脉。
  13. aforementioned: 上述的,前面提及的。
  14. altitude sickness: 高原病,高空缺氧引起的不适症。
  15. prone: 易发,倾向于;dehydration:// 脱水,缺水。
  16. nauseous: 恶心的。下句中nausea为其名词形式。
  17. ethnically: 民族上,种族上;indigenous: 本土的,本地的。
  18. Shakira: 夏奇拉(1977— ),哥伦比亚女歌手,是史上唱片销量最高的、获奖最多的拉丁女歌手;Gabriel Garcia-Marquez: 加夫列尔·加西亚·马尔克斯(1927—2014),哥伦比亚作家、记者和社会活动家,拉丁美洲魔幻现实主义文学的代表人物,1982年诺贝尔文学奖得主,代表作有《百年孤独》、《霍乱时期的爱情》等;Fernando Botero: 费尔南多·波特罗(1932— ),哥伦比亚著名雕塑家、画家,被誉为哥伦比亚国家的荣耀和人民信仰之父。
  19. 这是一种玉米饼,里面塞满了奶酪,然后用平底锅煎。corn cake: 玉米饼;griddle: 煎锅,平底锅。
  20. opt: 选择;pastry: 糕点,点心。
  21. 这是一种土豆汤,里面有肉,比如鸡肉丝,还有玉米棒,旁边配以新鲜的牛油果和奶油。shredded: 切碎的,切丝的;avocado: 鳄梨,牛油果。
  22. staple: 主食;plantain: 大蕉,香蕉的一种;starchy:富含淀粉的;savory: 可口的,美味的。
  23. on sb’s radar: 為某人所关注。
  24. intimately: 深入地,透彻地。
  25. fraction: 部分,片段。
我们的希腊文构词成分已经进入第四讲,各位读者朋友是觉得渐入佳境,每一期都很期待?还是依然有明显的障碍,心里直犯嘀咕,觉得难以克服?  期待?那最好。有些头痛?在所难免。毕竟,有谁总是一帆风顺、诸事尽如自己所愿的呢?人生就是如此吧!C’est la vie!  依往例,我们先重点复习一下,再正式开讲,温故而知新嘛!到目前为止,正式介绍过的几个希腊文构词成分如下,随后各附上一个讲过的例子:  card
韩廷根去过中 的很多餐厅,一个普遍的印象是“她们不够微笑。”他希望NOLBOO的员工能够像童话中的NOLBOO一样开心的为大家服务,“因为好心情是可以传染的。”  一部悠长的韩剧《大长今》,不仅感动了中国无数的“长今迷”,更让人垂涎欲滴的是,“韩式美食”这股旋风也注定要吹到中国来。  已有19年历史的NOLBOO韩国传统料理店在韩国是家喻户晓的。在那里,经营的加盟店已有540家,并拥有了NOLBO
摘 要:当代批评理论的发展之路始于新批评决定提高门槛,要求一种更大的阐释回报,这条路继而由翻新了的原型批评(弗莱)和人类学延续下去。福柯在某些方面可以说是回归了人类学永恒的天真,不过当那样做行不通的时候,他又试着将认识论置于形而上学之上。朱迪斯·巴特勒和霍米·巴巴沿着这个方向走了下去,他们走入的僵局导致了对于外在框架的探求(罗蒂和利奥塔的哲学之路)。然而,这最终提示我们有必要审视我们如何走到今天这
一般认为,洋泾浜英语就是一种蹩脚、不纯正,甚至不倫不类的英语,比如“let me see see”(让我看看)就是个形容英语不标准的贬义词。  我们先来追本溯源一番。浜(bāng)即河浜,在吴方言1里指的是小河,洋泾浜原是上海黄浦江的一条支流。鸦片战争后上海开埠,洋泾浜以北为英租界,以南为法租界,洋泾浜成为英法两国租界的界河,因此自19世纪中叶起,其地位便由默默无闻而一跃成名,后来甚至成为租界的代
离2006年春节还有一个月,张蓝就早早地安排好了春节的日程。  大年三十,她将与北京俏江南的1200名员工一起渡过。“我们在九华山庄订了120桌酒席,大年三十晚上十点钟,我们所有的店都关门,大巴将把员工都送到九华山庄。我准备和员工一起包饺子、放鞭炮,迎接新年的到来!”  激动地说起这些时,她眉里眼里全是笑。  自2000年在国贸开第一家店,张蓝和她的俏江南餐饮有限公司一路走来,已经成为京城精品川菜
在回忆录《妻子的故事:一部个人史》(The Wife’s Tale: A Personal History)中,《卫报》记者艾达·爱德马里安(Aida Edemariam)通过回忆奶奶Yetemegnu的一生,从侧面讲述了埃塞俄比亚20世纪近百年的历史和社会动荡:从意大利入侵到抵抗、解放、政变、反叛、饥荒,从君主制、社会主义到现代民主的尝试等。  奶奶Yetemegnu1916年出生于埃塞俄比亚的
2017年12月3日,由adidas TERREX(阿迪达斯探锐)冠名赞助的“adidas TERREX 2017 三夫香山50超级越野赛”在北京香山公园鸣枪开跑,一场属于越野爱好者的冬日角逐盛大開场。本次赛事设置了50公里、23公里以及10公里三个组别,丰富了不同水平参赛选手的选择。值得一提的是,50公里组在专业性上已获得ITRA(国际越野跑协会)认证的3个积分,香山50正在成为专业的国际赛事品
在愛丁堡的皇家英里(Royal Mile)有个休谟像,脚趾头被前来“朝圣”的人们摸得锃亮,因为有这么个说法,“信休谟,不挂科”,不知是中国留学生传出来的,还是原本就有。不过,求学者笃信休谟,倒真的错不了。此君二十几岁就写出《人性论》一书。德国大哲学家康德称,正是此书把他从“教条主义的沉睡”(dogmatic slumbers)中惊醒;而康德读的,还不过是个改名为《人类理解研究》的缩写本。休谟在历史
策划:张刚 执行:邢紫月 陆振华    狂人离去,孙宏斌复出  邢紫月    杨哲答应帮忙,但是他告诉孙宏斌:“帮了这一次,并不能从根本上解决问题,顺驰的事是个系统问题。”孙宏斌说,“那你回来吧!  孙宏斌终于复出了,时间是3月17日。  “天津市场下滑的太厉害了,希望我的复出,能给大家更多的信心。”他说。2005年,天津顺驰地产的销售回款仅为29亿元。而2004年,这个数字是55亿元。  然而,
程晓堂教授的新著《核心素养下的英语教学理念与实践》(广西教育出版社2021年1月第1版)构建了英语学科核心素养理念与实践的完整体系,是国内首部从理论与实践相结合的角度探讨在英语教育领域贯彻和落实英语学科核心素养的力作,对我国基础英语教育实践具有开创性的里程碑意义。该书的问世正值我国大力发展学生核心素养、全面落实立德树人根本任务的关键时刻,必将推动我国英语课程改革的纵深发展。  我国英语教育历来重视