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一、北宋词和南宋词北宋和南宋的划分,因为是基于原来政治上的事件和随之引起的国家体制的变革,不会产生像在唐诗裹初盛中晚在哪裹划分的问题,只能以金人占领汴京、二帝北掳之后,一一二七年的高宗即位来划分南北宋。但是与四唐说原来是从诗风的变迁这样文学问题的角度来考虑不同,南北宋的区分,站在文学的立场来考虑的话,可以说是从外面划了一个界线,因此,它对于文学自身来说究竟有什么样的意味,必须重新加以思考吧? First, the Northern Song Ci and the Southern Song Ci Northern Song and Southern Song division, because it is based on the original political events and the ensuing changes in the state system, will not have the same as in the Tang poetry wrapped in the middle and late wrapped up the issue of which only Can be occupied by the Golden Man Bijing, the two captives after the Northern Emperor, the eleven in 1227 ascended the throne to divide the Southern Song Dynasty. However, with Si Tang, it turns out to be different from the perspective of literary issues such as the change of poetic style. If we consider the distinction between Northern and Southern Song Dynasty and stand from the standpoint of literature, we can say that it is a boundary drawn from the outside. Therefore, For what kind of meaning, we must re-think it?
摘要 20世纪80年代,拉美魔幻现实主义文学如同一阵春风给世界文学界带来了一片生机,对后来的文学创作产生了巨大的影响,当然,这股春风随即也吹到了中国文坛,很多中国作家纷纷借鉴,莫言便是其中一位。莫言自称拉美魔幻创作的代表人物加夫列尔·加西亚·马尔克斯打开了自己的想象力。通过灵活运用陌生化手法和莫言对民间故事、中国历史和当代社会的熟知和运用,莫言创作出了具有中国特色的魔幻现实主义作品。本文将从叙事角