房地产抵押是指抵押人以其合法的房地产以不转移占有的方式向抵押权人提供债务履行担保的行为。债务人不履行债务时 ,抵押权人有权依法以抵押的房地产拍卖所得的价款优先受偿。该制度是以不转移标的物的占有为其主要特征 ,但不转移占有则使房地产抵押权的设定缺乏为外部所知的
Real estate mortgage refers to the mortgagor with its legal real estate not to transfer the possession of the mortgagee to provide debt to perform security behavior. When the debtor defaults, the mortgagor has the right to repay the price of the auctioned real estate auctioned by law according to law. The system is based on the non-transfer of the possession of the subject matter as its main feature, but the transfer of possession makes the lack of the establishment of real estate mortgage externally known